From the heartland of Nashville, Bad Cop are giving fans a taste of their latest musical offering called "Wish You Well". The song is a frenetic, fast paced joyride clocking in at only 2 minutes and 45 secs, but manages to cram alot in such a short span of time with its free wheeling guitars, unrelenting charm, and wit thrown about for good measure that introduces to the band to those who aren't familiar with their music. I thought this was a very concrete and thorough musical listen that gave me an idea of what the band's music was like, and acted as sort of a musical resume to get me acquainted with their sound and what makes them so unique among all the others.
To take a listen to "Wish You Well", you can find it on Soundcloud here and for more info on Bad Cop, 'Like' them on their Facebook page located right over at this spot here.