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Night Lights Play Their Last Boston Show For Awhile on July 17 at The Red Room

Boston based indie rockers Night Lights are set to play their last show in the Boston area for the forseeable future at The Red Room @ Cafe 939 on July 17, just steps where some of the members went to school at Berklee. The band announced on their Facebook page last week that they'll be moving out to Los Angeles, which will be their primary home base from now on. This is definitely heartbreaking news for their fans who have been huge supporters for the guys ever since they started out here, but will continue to follow their musical travels no doubt. To say that Night Lights are one of my favorite bands would be a pretty accurate statement, and I've had the pleasure of knowing bassist Jeff Kinsey for awhile now, dating back to his previous musical outlets Tales of Olde and Me vs. Gravity which saw Jeff have much longer hair back then! Guitarist Yusuke Sato I know quite well from his other side project Cordelia & The Buffalo and has become of my closest friends. The band has been a huge inspiration to me and has redefined what it is to be a local Boston band. I can't begin to tell you how many times I've seen these guys live, and have been left breathless from seeing them play and seeing them effectively communicate with their listening audience who love the guys so much like I do. Best wishes to the whole band and safe travels as they head out to LA.

To purchase tickets for Night Lights July 17th show at Cafe 939, head over to this link here and stay in touch with the guys via their Facebook page right here.

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