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Writer's pictureMusicBoxPete

Converse Rubber Tracks Announces Newport Folk Festival Recording Week @ New Boston Studio


The newest addition to Boston's skyline is getting ready to hold their first big shindig at Converse Rubber Tracks right in the heart of the city. Converse is partnering with the Newport Folk Festival to offer three up and coming artists two full days of recording at the new studios, along with a chance to perform at the legendary festival. Chosen artists will get the chance to work under the tutelage of Seth Manchester, a Rhode Island based producer who has his own studio down there called Machines With Magnets. This is a dream and once in a lifetime chance for the winners who will get a chance to allow their words and melodies to come to life in living color, and all in the spacious comfort of this brand new studio to boot will definitely make some eyeballs pop in the process for first time visitors.

Registration is now open via Converse's website until this Friday, July 17 at this link over here. Winners will be notified on Monday, July 20 and will perform at the Newport Folk Festival on July 24. The recording sessions will take place between July 27-August 1. For more info on Converse Rubber Tracks, please visit this link right here.

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