With Labor Day weekend approaching and with kids heading back to school, it's only fair we wrap up our summer with another dose of hot, attractive bods in our "Bands of Summer" special. This series is designed to show an appreciation of musicians and their ability to unashamedly show off their upper torso that will make fans extremely elated and joyously satisified in the process as well. This collection of musicians and one honorable mention will allow you to relax at your Labor Day BBQ's along with some ridiculously attractive dudes to make your long weekend that much more worthwhile. Here is this year's roundup of some flesh:

Adam Salameh (Surf Vietnam)
For some reason, drummers always tend to be the ones performing without a shirt as they exude confidence, character, and charisma, and Adam Salameh is no exception! Drummer of the local band Surf Vietnam, many fans were completely satisfied when Adam took off his shirt in their recent video for “October Baseball”. You really can't look away after feasting your eyes on this amazing pic, which shows Adam hard at work making sure his drum beats are on cue and on point. Adam is one exceptionally attractive human being, and this pic will definitely leave a lasting impression on you.

Best Years (Josh Holland, Ed Lawson, Joel Plews, Josh Berzins, James Hunt)
One thing that's true about the summer is that we see more skin than ever before after being cooped up all winter, but Manchester UK pop-punkers Best Years really amped up the arousal factor to 11 with this behind the scenes pic from their music video shoot for "Overrated". You won't be doing any complaining here as the lads expose their hot bods for the camera that really blows your mind, and will have you hitting replay on YouTube multiple times over to see the mounds of flesh greeting you warmly.

As It Is (Andy, Ben, Foley, & Ali) Not pictured: Patty
Another entry coming from across the pond, pop-punkers As It Is are exploding into the stratosphere with their new album "Never Happy, Ever After", and their recent nationwide jaunt on Warped. While they're all extremely talented, one thing they're blessed with is having sexy bods to show off for the camera as evidenced in this pic directly above. The story behind this pic taken during one of their practice sessions was that if someone made a mistake while playing, one article of clothing had to come off. As you can see, many mess ups were made as most of the guys were down to their underwear, and it's definitely no mistake to keep looking at this photo and explode with laughter!

David Larson (The Royal Concept) Photo Credit: Audra May
We all know Swedes are some of the most physically attractive people on the face of the earth, and look no further than David Larson, frontman for The Royal Concept. This pic here was taken during a show a couple of years ago at Brighton Music Hall, as it shows David's beautiful and sweaty bod that looks like he should be out modeling as he definitely has the look and penchant for accomplishing the task. Ridiculously talented and unbelivably good looking, David knows how to keep the audience's attention squarely focused on him, and you'll be hypnotized after viewing this lovely sight.

Jake Ladehoff (Yacht Club Films)
And for a special entry for this year's roundup that doesn't come from a musician, but is someone that was featured in a prominent photo from last year that you'll all remember pretty fondly. Jake Ladehoff works for Yacht Club Films, a video production company based out of New York who helmed Manic Pixi's debut music video for "Kiss Me", and I posted a behind the scenes pic in last year's special from the set that showed the whole video crew shirtless much to the delight of those watching. Jake stood out immensely from the crowd as he displayed a well toned phyisque and extremely good looking features that really made it worth looking at. This new entry here shows Jake hard at work on the set of a video shoot wrapping up cables that is just plain erotic and hypnotizing to say the least. Nobody will do any complaining about Jake showing up to work shirtless on video sets, and he'll definitely have lots of people lining up for his services for sure!