Have an exclusive video premiere for you today! MusicBoxPete is so proud to partner with Berklee College of Music and their YouTube channel for the first in a series of live videos designed to present artists in a raw, organic setting that really brings out the best qualities of their music, and enhaces their allure and appeal to the outside music observer. The first vid in that series comes from Boston based folkies Dear June, who gladly performed their track "Fences" for Berklee's radio station BIRN. The vid shows the band clearly in their element, evoking their raw musical sensibilities in a refreshing and unique spin on the band that you may not know too much about just yet, but you definitely will in due time after seeing this video, and realizing just how gifted and talented they truly are. There have literally been hundreds of artists that I've featured on the site that have had some connection to Berklee in one way, shape or form, and I'm so pleased and thrilled to be partnering up with them to premiere these vids that greatly enhances their musical diversity, and brings out the best in each and every one of them.