Photo Credit: Christine Labbe Photography
Lowell based post hardcore quintet Eyes on Satellites have just unleashed their latest single titled "Swan Song". The song is a careening, straightforward rocker that delves deep into the band's psyche with incredible vocals that run the gamut from low key and melodic, to piercing and ear shrieking that encapsulates their style quite well. You may remember the guys from last March whenj I reviewed their EP "Explorations", and I commented on how different they were and how they didn't pull any punches when it came to exposing their musical personalities on record. The same still rings true for these guys, as they're continuing to build up a following in the Boston area and create an aura and buzz about them that is just going to expand about over time. These guys have a terrific sense of musical self identity and self worth, and they clearly know what path lays ahead of them and which direction they wish to take. I have high hopes for these guys, and they conitnue to impress and amaze me each and every time.
To check out "Swan Song" for yourself, check out the lyric video on YouTube at this spot here, and don't forget to 'Like' the band on Facebook over here and check out their official homepage right here for more in depth info surrounding the guys.