The Boston based entertainment channel slap. just launched last month, and it gives music lovers and faithful listeners a direct window into the working world of a musician directly on your computer screen. Developers of the site are just as passionate about music as I am, and they help to develop a wide ranging host of content, including live session music videos that present songs in a different light than in the studio, in depth artist interviews that take you behind the story of the song and what the artist's mindset is going in, and a host of in depth features that is designed to provide a deeper connection to your favorite artist's music and help you develop an emotional bond with them. When I came across this channel just last week, I knew I had to be involved to let people know about this as the site featured two artists that have been prominently featured here on my site: Dylan Rockoff and Jacob Seeger, and the fact that the site has a connection to my old alma mater in Northeastern University really did it in for me and really made me realize how important and special this channel really is.
To check out slap. media for yourself, click on this link over here to see all of the videos currently posted on the site, and for more info about them please Like' slap. on Facebook over here and follow them on Twitter as well at this spot here.