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Bay Area Natives The Blondies Want To Spend "Just Another Evening" With You

From the outskirts of the Bay Area in California comes the delightful indie rock sounds of The Blondies, who just released their brand new album titled Just Another Evening. The band's sound is reminiscent of the British indie rock invasion, with elements of The Kooks and Arctic Monkeys thrown in for good measure with some nifty piano elements that make them a surefire hit on your playlist. I was definitely impressed upon first listen of them, and they really seem to have developed their own musical style and thumbprint that is sure to be a big hit upon avid indie music junkies like myself. What these guys do best is evoke their own individual personalities and sensibilities that are just brimming to the surface with confidence and musical wisdom that is beyond their years and is definitely a welcome sight for those looking to broaden their musical horizons. A immensely talented act that is worthy of keeping an eye and a ear on in the not too distant future.

To check out The Blondies music for yourself, it's available for listening on their Soundcloud page over here, and for more on The Blondies please 'Like' them on Facebook at this spot here, and follow their adventures on Twitter right here to see if they'll be in your hometown next.

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