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Big Big Buildings Setting Up For A Big Show @ Mid East Upstairs on 8/23 w/ Pulitzer Prize Fighter

Weymouth's own pride and joy Pulitzer Prize Fighter are gearing for a big local show this coming Wednesday, 8/23 when they grace the stage at Mid East Upstairs alongside the likes of Big Big Buildings, Citrusphere, and The Furniture. The band have always found a way to inflict earworms inside concertgoers with their groove laden charm becoming a constant source of musical joy for listeners who have found a common ground with the band. The show is expected to be equally special, as it will be the last Boston appearance for Adam McElreath and Big Big Buildings who is gearing up to head down to New Orleans at the end of the month for the foreseeable future. Adam has been a close friend of mine for several years, and this show will be a great send off for his musical outlet that is equal parts brilliant, cathartic, and incendiary that shows Adam creative ingenue as a brilliant musical craftsman who knows how to make the audience gather in front of him. Along with the aforementioned Pulitzer Prize Fighter, this show is gearing to be an epic night for sure.

For more info on Wednesday's show and to RSVP, click on the FB Event listing here and for more on Pulitzer Prize Fighter, 'Like' them on Facebook from this channel over here, follow them on Twitter right here, and check out their music on Bandcamp from this locale here.

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