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Allston Punk-Blues Pioneers Dead Trains Make Their Triumphant Return at 7/29 O'Brien's Show

Allston based punk-blues trio Dead Trains are gearing up to play their first show in a year and a half on Thur. July 29th in their homebase of Allston at O'Brien's, where they'll be joined by Big Sigh, Them Airs, and Nazca Plate. It's been a tough year plus for all local bands, and it feels especially liberating for Dead Trains who have spent their downtime honing and perfecting their craft, and gearing up for a big return hometown gig like this. The band are no stranger to the site having been featured multiple times over with their insatiable grooves and their raw, dirty punk-blues sound that is unlike anything you've ever heard in your life. The raw and potent vocals and guitar from frontman Matt Axten serves as the baseplate to get the musical ball rolling, bassist Natan Keyes follows with the addition of layered groove elements that will blow your brains out, and drummer Steve Olson makes sure to keep your eyes occupied with frolicking drum patterns along with a gorgeous and handsome beard to boot. The guys have been nothing short of wonderful every time I chat with them after a show, and they've been great friends who have reciprocated that same love for both myself and the site, and I'll be forever grateful for that.

For more info on the show and to buy tickets, head on over to this link: and stay tuned to their Instagram feed for all the latest show info and awesome pics they churn out on a consistent basis.

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