Skillman, New Jersey's The Antics have arrived with their all new studio set titled "Send It Out" The 6 track collection is a straightforward, cut through effort that shows off the band's trademark blend of rock that is representative of the Jersey area they grew up in, but most importantly their musical mindset that has served them well in the past and the results of their labor are starting to come to fruition right here.
We start things out with "Plenty of Time", a mysterious, aural delight that warmly greets you with the lead vocals of Luke Meisenbacher that sound like a cross between The Strokes and Interpol with a more modern twist that adds a hint of elegance to such a rich and focused track heard here. "I Don't Want To Go Back" is my favorite track off the album with a melodic punch that breaks down the wall and shows off the band's indvidual talents clearly on display. With Derek Rosengarth's blazing guitar skills and Josh Reitan smotth percussion chops, these guys have a simple approach that doesn't overdo it but packs quite a melodic wallop after you're listening that makes you want more from the group, an amazing track all around. "Send It Out" is a more mellow affair that dims the lights down low with Luke's vocals once again working their magic, and bringing about a sense of diversity within the group that raises a few eyebrows in the process at the creative juices these guys are pouring out constantly.
The second half begins with "Love & Roses", an all around excellent track that continues the band's musicality from the previous half, and seeks to integrate more of the guys' musical sensibilities into the mix that when all combined, really impresses you and increases your affection for this band. "When You Say" starts to close out the album with a quickly focused effort that doesn't rush through at all, and seeks to have the band tie up a few loose ends musically before ultimately concluding the album with "Girls Are Troublesome", one of the more longer tracks on the effort clocking in at 6 and half minutes with some spaced out arrangements that have the members really dig deep and find their musical center to hone all of their musical knowledge into this rich track that may not tickle your fancy at first, but may take repeated listens to get used to and let it all soak in. The Antics were Artist Spotlight subjects earlier this year, and I commented at how they all each contributed something different that was apparent when listening to them on the record that really made it feel real and authentic. It didn't feel forced at all, and was a totally seamless listen from start to finish that really made you appreciate the guys for all the hard work they put in to get this thing done.
In closing, an impressive effort from The Antics, who have made a quality effort that deems worthy of repeated listens to get the full volume of what exactly is that they;'re trying to accomplish and where their musical path takes them from here.
Score: 3.5/5
Track Listing:
Plenty of Time
I Don't Want to Go Back
Send It Out
Love & Roses
When You Say
Girls Are Troublesome