Somerville's own Soft Pyramids have just released their latest single titled "Around This Town", from their latest studio album titled "Fossils of The Free World". The track integrates elements from the band's primary musical influences such as Spoon into a creative and homely mixture that isn't too foreign if you're fans of the groups that influenced their sound, cooupled with passionate vocals and spot on instrumentation that will definitely raise your awareness about them almost immediately. I loved these guys right from the start, and really gravitated towards the rich and subtle musical tones that were rampant throughout the band's musical makeup, and I found much to be desired from the guys, especially their musical chemistry towards one another that leads the band to places never before dreamed of.
To take a listen to "Around This Town", it can be found on their Soundcloud page right here and for more info on Soft Pyramids, 'Like' them on Facebook here and visit their official website over at this spot here.