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Astoria's Side Saddle Bring Out Their Unique Folk Stylings on "The Astorian"

Astoria, NY based SIde Saddle step to the forefront with their brand new studio release titled "The Astorian". Led by the leadoff single "When It's All Done", the guys have a unique and original indie-folk sound that can't be traced back to any of their contemporaries, but definitely has traces of the band's individual personas that come through particularly well through their music. I was impressed with what I heard from these gentlemen, as it brings about a new breed of indie-folk group that bring something new and refreshing to the plate, and aren't recycled copies of what's currently out there in the marketplace. A terrific upstart band that is definitely worth listening to.

To take a listen to "The Astorian" in its entirety, head on over to their Soundcloud page right here and for more info on Side Saddle, 'Like' them on Facebook here and follow on Twitter here.

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