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UK Indie Rockers Alexander Release New Singles "The Pick Up" and "Gemini"

Newcastle, UK based indie rockers Alexander have released a pair of brand new singles that will provide some brightness for your summertime adventures "The Pick Up" and "Gemini". The band have a very mellow, smooth musicality to them that shines through when you first hear it, and the vocals are inherently beautiful to say the least and you'll definitely fall in love at first listen. The guys have been featured on the site before a couple of years ago, and it's great to feature them again and expose their sound to a wider American aduience who may not be too familiar with their music just yet. There's definitely something to appreciate from these lovely lads, and they have a delightful musical presence that will make it feel like you're inviting them into your home to lounge around and have a drink with you. An especially delightful musical act worthy of your listening time.

To take a listen to "The Pick Up", it's available for your ears on iTunes right here, and for more on Alexander please 'Like' them on Facebook over here and visit their official homepage at this spot here.

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