Newcomers to the burgeoning UK indie scene, the dreamlike soundscapes of Glass Caves make a definite first impression with their jaw dropping new single "Alive". The guys blow the roof off immediately as the song begins with escalating vocals, intricate instrumentation, and a strong emotional connection that is built almost immediately that makes the prospective listener give them their hearts, and run off into the sunset with them in captivity. I was enthralled with these guys upon first listen, and couldn't look away and didn't back off at all while listening to this track. I was completely preoccupied with the track and how it made me feel and conjure up all of these emotions, something which is really rare for a song of this magnitude to accomplish. As you know, I'm a total UK music junkie, and this band has all of the potential in the world to make a huge splash stateside in America where everyone will gobble them up and consume everything that they have to offer us musically.
To take a listen to "Alive", it's available on their Soundcloud page over here, and for more on Glass Caves you can 'Like' them on Facebook right here, follow on Twitter right here, and check their official homepage for more in depth info about the lovely lads at this perch here.