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Boston's Own Air Traffic Controller Premiere Brand New Music Vid For "On The Wire"

Boston based musical loves Air Traffic Controller have just premiered their brand new music yesterday via Bullett for the song "On The Wire". The clip takes us on a road trip in the style of the movie "Thelma & Louise" along a mellow and somber musical framework that takes the listener on a journey of self discovery and finding the inner adventure within yourself to go out and do something daring. Of course, you're no stranger to this band as they've been featured multiple times over on the site, and have been known for creating exquisite music videos, most notably "The House" which has garnered praise and acclaim from all over. This vid is destined to do just about the same and has that ability to make the listener part of the clip and allowing them to take control of the situation and go on an adventure that allows them to have a sense of self identity that they've never felt before. A clip that should definitely give you some inspiration for your summer road trips.

To check out the clip via Bullett, head on over to this link over here, and for more on Air Traffic Controller please 'Like' them on Facebook over here and follow their adventures on Twitter at this spot here.

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