Orlando based musical sex gods Sweet Cambodia have just unearthed a brand new track exclusively via Idobi yesterday called "Anxiety". The track is a groove laden paradise complete with seductive bass licks, sensual lyrics, and near total musical bliss that will have you spellbound through and through, and will have you clamoring everything that these guys have to offer. These guys have been featured extensively on the site over the last month or so, and you may remember them as being centerfolds for the recent Bands of Summer shirtless photo spread which you can view here. The guys are tremendously talented no doubt, but they're also ridiculously good looking creatures and as evidenced by the pics in the spread, have marvelous physiques that raises the arousal level beyond comprehension with their bods being put on ample display at their shows down in Florida where the sweat is rampant and the music will have you loving the guys that much more. An immensely talented act that we hope graces Boston with their presence sometime soon.
To check out "Anxiety" for yourself, it's now available on Idobi right over here, and for more on Sweet Cambodia please 'Like' them on Facebook over here and check out more of their music on Soundcloud via this link right here.