Boston based indie rockers Oh Malo have just wrapped up their Fall tour, and will be taking a breather of sorts and head into musical hibernation mode so that the band can record some new music that should see the light of day sometime next year. Oh Malo are without a doubt one of the best indie bands to come out of the area in quite some time, with their latest LP "As We Were" released back in April one of the best sonic collections that I've heard in quite some time with frontman Brandon Hafetz and company completely on the same page musically, and going above and beyond in terms of their abilities to connect with the listener. It only took me 2 seconds of listening to their music to be completely blown away with their musical makeup, and the way that the band members interacted with each other on stage really speaks to mind about the quality and volume of their creativity that just seeps out everytime they hit the stage. One of the most promising indie acts to come out of the area in quite awhile, and we'll definitely be waiting patiently for new music from them in 2017.
For more on Oh Malo, please 'Like' them on Facebook here and check out "As We Were" on Bandcamp conveniently located over here.