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Boston's Own Jakals Prepping For CD Release Show This Sat. 5/20 @ The Burren

Photo Credit: Hana Kahn

Boston based indie rockers Jakals are gearing up for their CD release show happening this Saturday 5/20 @ The Burren right in the heart of Davis Square in Somerville. You may remember the group from my feature on them a few months ago promoting their new single "Keep Mother Sane" that encapsulates the band's beautiful melodies and harmonic bliss that is present at every which way you turn. The band's magic and aura is best captured live, so you'll definitely want to take advantage of this opportunity to see them in person as they have a way of bringing out the best of everyone they come in contact with. The first time I heard them, I knew there was something instantaneously special with this group, as they have a lovely way of putting a song in perspective for the audience to draw their own correlation to something going on in their own life. Along with the likes of singer-songwriter Alec Hutson, this is definitely going to be an eclectic night of musicianship put forth right in front of you.

For more info on Saturday's show, RSVP via the Facebook Event listing here, and while you're at it 'Like' Jakals right over here and visit their official homepage at this spot here for more in depth info surrounding the band.

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