One of the hottest summers we ever had on record is about to draw to a close, and that also means time for one more round of MusicBoxPete's annual "Bands of Summer" shirtless photo special to close it all out! This special is definitely a good break from the ordinary, and is a clever and unique way to get a glimpse of musicians letting loose and being themselves. I've always strived to be different from other sites out there, and it definitely shows off the musicians true colors and vibrant personalities as well. In this special, we have a return appearance from local Boston singer-songwriter Jason Ebbs, Billy Nally from LA based pop/rock outfit The Wrecks, a couple of unknown acts The Giving Tree Band and The Accountants, plus a honorable mention from American Ninja Warrior contestant and Northeastern alum Josh Levin. And to help us close out the summer, here they are:

Jason Ebbs
Making a return appearance from last year is none other than local singer-songwriter Jason Ebbs. Jason has a made huge splash this summer with his beach splashed singles "Undone" and "Always Wanted" continuing to hone and develop his brand as a modern day indie-pop impresario bringing a bold and fresh musical perspective. Jason has a very strong appeal for sure, and it's this pic sans shirt that shows Jason living in his element the only way he knows how, and has this great capacity to bring in the masses and make him part of his ever burgeoning world.

Billy Nally (The Wrecks)
Continuing our special is Billy Nally, drummer for the Los Angeles based pop-rock outfit The Wrecks. They're a band that may not be on your radar just yet, but they have a colorful array of instrumentation that invites people to move out and about whenever they're inside a concert venue. Behind the drum kit it usually gets pretty sweaty, and Billy wisely removes the shirt much to the delight of the audience so that he can flail about in his usual way, and feed off the energy of the crowd also. Billy has a strong appeal and charisma, and that will dwefinitely give fans extra incentive to check out their music.

Photo Credit: Kevin Malella
The Giving Tree Band
Making their debut on this year's special is Yorkville, IL based indie-folk quintet The Giving Tree Band. The band probably aren't a known commodity in your playlist just yet, but they're destined to carve out some space in your heart for them as they have down home ehythms and beautiful instrumentation that intersects well with the band's harmonic vocals that are present at every turn. The guys definitely know how to make a hell of a first impression, as evidenced from this press photo that they took several years ago that shows the guys posing nude with nothing but their instruments covering up their privates. A definite tip of the cap to the fellas for being unafraid to show off their bods, and take that extra step to make their presence known to those from outside their hometown.

The Accountants
Another band making their debut is Bothell, WA based alt-rock quartet The Accountants. The guys were known for never taking themselves too seriuously, with their alt-rock influences mixing win with their local Seattle roots to create a truly unique musical combo that you couldn't get anywhere else. The guys were also known for being hilarious and cheeky with their fans also as this recent pic from up above shows the fellas getting ready to shoot a promo vid for an upcoming gig. The guys disbanded some time ago, but this picture still lives on for everyone to marvel over.

Photo Credit: Christina Fleming
Josh Levin
Rounding out our list is none other Northeastern alum Josh Levin, whom you may have recently seen on American Ninja Warrior. During his time as a Husky, Josh helped create the school's climbing team, allowing people with a love and passion for rock climbing to conquer their fears and take the initiative. After graduating from NU in 2014, Josh trained extensively and made the first of several appearances on NBC's "American Ninja Warrior". Over the years, Josh has built up quite a physique and likes to show it off whenever he can, especially when competing with the amount of muscle that he has put on, resulting in the chiseled physique that you see up above. While he fell a little short of claiming the top prize this year, he is a winner in the eyes and hearts of fans for everything he has done for his alma mater and rock climbing as a whole.