Looking back and ushering in the 10th Anniversary of MusicBoxPete's "Bands of Summer" shirtless photo special with a look back at some of the best photos to grace our eyes over the years. This is alot of fun to put together very year, and gives some much needed enjoyment and is a welcome distraction to everytign going on in the world today. I've always thought of it as a musical version of Sports Illustrated's swimsuit issue, just with no shirts. It was a silly idea when I came up with it at the time, but the idea gradually made more sense as I thought about it further, and am glad at the response from my readers and were all in on the fun from the get go. It was tough to highlight every single photo over the years, but here are 10 of my favorites that have stood the test of time:

Isaac Lederach and Jacob Snyder – (Kansas Bible Company)

Drew Moore (Helicopria)

Johnny Coryn (Lion In The Mane)

Alex Kaufman (Light Warriors)
Photo Credit: Sean McGlynn

Sweet Cambodia (L to R: Savvy Savedra, Eric Charles, & Donny Fusion)

Brandon Milman (Skyward Story)
Photo Credit: Hannah Jonas

Esteban Cajigas (Jack Romanov)
Photo Credit: Joshua Brown

Jason Ebbs

Ryan Sulken (Harbour)

Smack Dat Brass ( L to R: Steve Li, Jacob Nickerson, Connor Lofdahl, Matt Hogan, and Matt Murphy)